Servicios de Licencias Para Contratistas de Utah

Somos una empresa de licencias para contratistas de servicio completo en Utah que se especializa en ayudar a los contratistas a aprobar los exámenes de licencia estatales a través de nuestros servicios integrales de preparación de exámenes. Nuestros servicios incluyen procesar el establecimiento de su entidad legal, proporcionar las coberturas de seguro y fianzas necesarias y presentar su solicitud a la División de Licencias Ocupacionales. Entendemos las complejidades del proceso de obtención de licencia y estamos comprometidos a guiarlo en cada paso del camino, garantizando una experiencia fluida y sin complicaciones. Ya sea que esté buscando iniciar un nuevo negocio o expandir sus operaciones existentes, tenemos la experiencia y los recursos para ayudarlo a tener éxito.


Servir constantemente a contratistas durante 30 años es un testimonio de nuestra dedicación para brindar un servicio de alta calidad. A lo largo de los años, hemos construido relaciones sólidas con nuestros clientes al brindar constantemente resultados que superan sus expectativas.


Servicios Que Brindamos

Ofrecemos una gama de servicios especializados diseñados para apoyar a los contratistas en Utah, incluida la preparación integral de exámenes para ayudarlo a aprobar los exámenes de licencia estatales con facilidad. Nuestro equipo está comprometido a simplificar las complejidades del proceso de obtención de licencia y ofrecemos un conjunto completo de servicios para ayudarle a establecer su entidad legal, obtener los seguros y fianzas necesarios y presentar su solicitud a la División de Licencias Ocupacionales.

Nuestro equipo está comprometido a brindar una experiencia fluida y sin complicaciones, y estamos aquí para guiarlo en cada etapa del proceso de obtención de licencia. Entonces, si está buscando apoyo de expertos que lo ayude a tener éxito como contratista en Utah, no busque más que nuestra empresa de licencias de servicio completo.


La educación y la formación continuas son componentes críticos del éxito en el mundo empresarial. Como contratista, es esencial mantenerse actualizado con las últimas tendencias, regulaciones y mejores prácticas de la industria. Al invertir en educación y capacitación continua, puede obtener una ventaja competitiva, mejorar sus habilidades y hacer crecer su negocio.

Además de la educación y la capacitación, asociarse con una empresa de administración de nóminas acreditada puede ayudarlo a optimizar sus operaciones financieras y garantizar el cumplimiento de todas las regulaciones pertinentes. Subcontratar la administración de su nómina puede liberar tiempo y recursos valiosos, permitiéndole concentrarse en sus operaciones comerciales principales.

En nuestra empresa de licencias de servicio completo, estamos comprometidos a respaldar su éxito como contratista en Utah. Desde servicios de preparación de exámenes y configuración de empresas hasta administración de nóminas y cobertura de seguros, ofrecemos una amplia gama de servicios diseñados para simplificar las complejidades del proceso de obtención de licencias y ayudarle a alcanzar sus objetivos comerciales. Contáctenos hoy para obtener más información sobre cómo podemos respaldar su éxito como contratista.

Si está iniciando o dirigiendo un negocio de construcción, esta serie de videos lo ayudará a planificar un negocio exitoso.
Nos centramos en las actividades que no generan dinero, para que usted pueda centrarse en las actividades que generan dinero.
Solicitudes de Licencia
Empresas Creadas


Consulte Los Comentarios de Nuestros Clientes

En nuestra empresa de licencias de servicio completo, valoramos los comentarios de nuestros clientes y creemos que es esencial buscar y escuchar activamente los comentarios de los demás. Los comentarios de los clientes proporcionan información valiosa sobre las fortalezas y debilidades de nuestros servicios y nos permiten mejorar y perfeccionar continuamente nuestras ofertas para satisfacer mejor las necesidades de nuestros clientes.

Estamos comprometidos a brindar un servicio excepcional y mejorar continuamente nuestras ofertas para satisfacer mejor las necesidades de nuestros clientes. Al buscar y escuchar activamente los comentarios de nuestros clientes y de otras personas en nuestra industria, podemos asegurarnos de brindar siempre el mejor servicio y soporte posibles a nuestros clientes.

Eric Rosevear
"They make the process of getting a license or any info about the process a breeze. They’ve done it all before. Walk and help you step by step, and are still there for you even after all that is done. Excellent service! Couldn’t recommend a better group to work for."
Aaron Black
"All of the staff is very helpful and work together to make sure you get the information you need to succeed. I would highly recommend this school."
Nick Jessen
"I could not believe how well taken care of I was at Utah Contractor's License Center. The team was very professional, and I was able to pass the test on my first try thanks to their excellent training. Highly Recommended."
Christi Dickerson
"Mike Moffatt helped me obtain our License in Utah, I have worked with several states over the past few months and Mike was by far the most pleasant professional and prompt. He was great when I had any questions, to explain them and help me through the entire process. I wish every state had a MIKE MOFFATT, Lets not leave out Mrs. Moffatt for keeping him in order so he can assist us in the best way possible. They are a heck of a team and I promise you, you will be just as delighted as I am if you have the pleasure of working with him. Thank You Mike for all your hard work and dedication to your Job. We here at Elder Construction truly appreci..."
Joe H.
"I needed to get my Utah GC license quickly. I reached out to Mike M. and his team. They helped me get the classes, book and test prep necessary to pass the exam and help me ensure all the right documents were put into place. Mike is the BEST!!! I've opened 2 other licenses since then and each time I come back to Utah Contractor License Center. They are very knowledgeable and assist me a t every turn. I would and do recommend them often!"
Francisco Sobreira
"Amazing support"
Paul Kalkbrenner
"I found the hours available to study very helpful as well as the computer system and testing process prior to the actual test. The location was close to my home which made it pretty easy to use."
Kris Maddalena
"The office personnel were more than willing to answer each and every question I had, and the training provided me with enough knowledge to pass both tests within a week of each other. I am now realizing my ultimate goal of owning my own company; and after just two weeks of studying and taking my prescribed tests, on my way. Thank you for all of your help in getting me to this point; I can now move forward with the confidence you’ve given me!"
Kevin Fischer
"Great place to study and get your licensing done. I will highly recommend them to everyone. These people are great!"
Mark Towner
"The staff is awesome and very helpful .The study system is very good. The content was spot on and made passing the test very easy. I highly recomend."
Scott Lambdin
"Really enjoyed the studying and the staff is great! friendly and always on hand to help! Study material is more advanced from the last time I earned and received a contractors license, making the license more attainable."
"The staff here makes getting your contractor license very easy. They are very knowledgeable and up to date on details. I recommend them to anyone trying to get their license."
Greg Clasemann
"It was easier than I thought. I want to thank you all for your help"
William Ford
"Judy was so helpful , made the process seem so easy . I tried doing it myself and got hung up at every stage . Its not what you know its who you know , take my word judy knows her job and knows the right people , im so thankful for utah contractor lic center"
"Judy made this licensing process so simple. She was friendly and informative. I walked in to ask a question of how difficult this was going to be to obtain my B100 and walked out with my licensing paperwork submitted. This was the most simplest upgrade I've gone through in my career of obtaining all the different licensing I have throughout the 25 years I've been doing electrical. Thank you for making this nearly effortless!"
"I was skeptical at first, but on hearing multiple journeyman tell me about these courses I tried it for myself. All doubt is gone. I have taken 2/3 of my journeyman tests and have passed with a 92% or higher. If you put your effort in, this is literally the golden ticket to learn and pass your electrical exams. Very impressed."
Juan Cisneros
"I needed to get my license for General Contracting. These guys made it so easy! They set up my company and did all of the paperwork for me so it was no problem at all!"
Gregory S. Davis
"The best company to work with to get my license upgraded to a B100. Judy is the best. She helped me through the whole process and was great to work with. I highly recommend her to anyone looking into this progam. You will not be dissappointed. I assure you."
Paul Gibson
"I came here to study my Journeyman Practical testing, and the instructor made passing my test a sure thing"
Brad Smith
"I'm an electrician that was extremely impressed with the material for my Master Code and Master Theory tests. I was able to study the material on the online system, and passed my tests with the state easily!"
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